Learning Firearms
Firearms Training Solutions

RDS Handgun Instructor Firearms Training

Which class is your permit to carry class or do you offer permit to carry training?

We get asked this a lot!  We do not offer any permit to carry classes at this time.  What we have seen in our area is a race to the bottom in some ways for price and quality.  There are several great options in the area for permit to carry training and sadly there are others that are not great.  We have often said there are too many "spoons in the pie" and we would rather focus on skills based, shooting firearms classes.  Our classes give the student opportunities to improve their shooting abilities and skillsets.  We feel this is very advantageous to the permit holder looking to become proficient in the actual use of a firearm.  The permit to carry course is a legal course with very little actual shooting.  

Frequently Asked Questions

I have my Permit to Carry and want to improve...which course should I take?

We highly encourage the Permit holder to seek training whether it be from us or any quality source.  The Permit to Carry course alone isn't sufficient to become truly proficient with basic shooting skills.  Choosing a course really depends on where you want to improve or what you want to learn.  Our courses are appropriately named based on the objective of the course.  We always recommend our Fundamental courses as having a solid grasp of the fundamentals is truly what it is all about.  Likewise our Moving courses focus on realistic movement and moving targets and our Up-Close courses focus on engagements close up and techniques used indoors.  

What can I expect at your course?

You can expect a safe, structured environment that is comfortable and set up for you to learn.  We don't do high stress in your face boot camp style classes.  Yes, we do like to get you going and simulate stress in some courses but overall if you are stressed out, anxious or uncomfortable chances are you won't be learning.  We want your training experience to be a positive one, an environment where you can come and focus on learning.  We provide shelter, refreshments, snacks, bathrooms and areas to rest on breaks.  It's the little things that can make a difference and we try to have them all covered.

Why should I train with you?

Dave has a saying, "We want our training to be worth your money, but more importantly worth your time."  We feel that time is truly the most valuable thing we have and choosing to spend it with us is something we don't take likely.  The worst thing someone could say about us is "that was a waste of time."  We put a lot of time into planning and developing courses to be efficient with the use of the time in the course but yet not be overwhelming.  Pace, content, drills, and presentation are all aspects that make or break a good course.  We work on all of those things and are always reviewing and self-auditing to improve.  Ultimately you will have to make a choice on who you spend your time and money with for firearms training.  Know that if you choose us, we will offer you the best training experience we can and are committed to seeing you be a better shooter.  At the end of the day every course we teach has a money back guarantee.  We can't give you your time back but if you feel it wasn't what you expected, tell us why and how we can improve and your money is refunded.  

What about...?

If we didn't cover it here, Contact Us and ask.  We are happy to help answer questions, talk training or go over your concerns.  We look forward to training with you!