Targets Online is the exclusive distributor of the Timm Training target. A great company for all of your target needs producing high quality printed targets.
The target features:
-5x5 and Proficiency Standards Drill Targets
-Silhouette profiles
-B8 9 ring target
-Numbered Call Drill Targets
- 3x5 Cards inspired by Dave Spaulding
- Handgun and Rifle Optic Zero Targets
We have targets for sale at our classes as well.
Our targets are 23x35" and printed on waterproof cardstock, they hold up great even in the rain.
The Target is Available for Purchase Here
More Information coming soon!
Learning Firearms Skill Builder Target
5x5 Drill Target
The 5x5 drill is something we started doing in 2016 and has become our "signature" standards drill that we conclude all of our classes with. Like many other trainers, a drill often ends class with the opportunity to accomplish the drill for recognition. This was inspired by some great role model instructors and has strong roots in a traditional police qualification type of course of fire. This drill is not a short sprint but meant to be a challenge at distance and up close, requiring accuracy throughout.
The same target is used for either rifle or pistol, only the distance is adjusted. You will need a 50 yard range for the rifle version, and a 25 yards range for the pistol version. Both drills require 25 rounds, fired from 5 different distances. All rounds must clearly strike/impact the black box, legit line tears also count.
The directions, time limits for each distance, target and starting position are on the target. If you want to be even more frugal you can fold any sheet of typing paper in half as that is the black box target size. If you are at one of our classes and clean this drill you will earn a plaque and recognition on our webpage. Score of 22 or better in time, with the remaining 3 rounds on paper earns a spot in the Honor Roll. See the 5x5 Page for succesful students and shooters.

Repair Centers and Printable Targets 8.5x11
Handgun RDS 10 Yard Zero Target
Use this to place over the portion of the Skill Builder Target or on it's own to zero handguns with a RDS. This target is optimized for a 10 yard zero for most modern RDS using 1 MOA adjustments.
At 10 Yards, each 1/2" segment equals 5 MOA.
Duplication Permitted so long as ownership information remains on file.
5x5 Repair Center
Use this to place over the portion of the Skill Builder Target or on it's own to practice the 5x5 Drill of proficiency standards. When printed correctly the center black box should be 5.5x8.5" with the center square being 3x3".
Duplication Permitted so long as ownership information remains on file.
B8 Style 2-UpTarget
This target is used for a variety of drills by numerous instructors. Use this easy to print PDF that also uses more grey to help save on printer supplies. Also features a 2 inch scale mark to check printer settings to ensure scale sizing is correct. This version has two 9 ring targets to save paper.
Duplication Permitted so long as ownership information remains on file.
B8 Style Target
This target is used for a variety of drills by numerous instructors. Use this easy to print PDF that also uses more grey to help save on printer supplies. Also features a 2 inch scale mark to check printer settings to ensure scale sizing is correct.
Duplication Permitted so long as ownership information remains on file.
Make sure scale settings on printer setting
are not reducing print size