We quickly discovered individuals and companies liked our content, and there is a demand for high-quality social media videos. We now produce instructional, product and technical videos for a variety of clients. This content is used to: engage the customer, increase sales, instruct the customer on technical infomration and reduce technical support staff time. Many of our clients now say, "check out our how-to video" and they have the customer taken care of.
With our firearms training classes, we use only top instructors and equipment. We take the same approach with our video production; having partnered with seasoned video professionals, comprising years of experience with all the latest gear, to offer the best product possible. Our team collaborates with the client to collect information necessary to effectively communicate their message to the viewer. Whether it is you, your staff or Dave in front of the camera, we produce videos that move the needle and successfully promote your company and products. All of this is done in a safe manner with technical and accurate content based on our specific firearms expertise.
Contact us with your video needs and we will get the ball rolling.

We a proud to be a part of the Guns and Tactics Magazine Team! G&T is a great collective of content creators and authors that have a variety of experiences and backgrounds. This unique group of people bring you a great information on new products, training, traiing and more. As the name implies, all things Guns & Tactics. We were asked to come on board as a video content creator. Our videos our much like the things we did on our own channel but now with much more reach and opprutunities.
Joining the G&T has allowed us to cover events such as SHOT show and Triggrcon and introduced us to a ton of great people in the industry. It is our goal for our videos reach to continue to grow and so far it is working.
When we started the project of creating online video content we knew we wanted to make material that we would want to watch ourselves. We invested in the equipment, lights, audio gear, and most importantly, time to learn how to make the best videos we can. We are still learning but we feel our content is among the highest quality online not only in production but content as well. We hope you feel the same. Bottom line is you won't find a video just looking at a bench with some moving hands or just a talking head.
All of our new videos can be viewed on our channel, accesable by clicking the below.
Our goal is to deliver quality videos that you can use as a resource, obtain quality information and be entertained, all while learning about the topic covered.
Some behind the scenes photos!

This is What Your Viewers Will Say With Our Videos

Social Media Network & Reach
The natural progression to growing our company in a social media driven world was adding a Learning Firearms YouTube channel. “How to” videos are what got the ball rolling. People took notice and companies started requesting videos with Dave Timm as the host, focused on thier product.
Many of our clients now say, "check out our how-to video"
and they have the customer taken care of.